International AcademyDriving Change Together
International Academy Driving Change Together is an international educational platform. Our activity is inspired by Driving Change Together – Katowice Partnership for the e-Mobility initiative, shaped during the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Katowice (COP24) (2018).
Paris Agreement (2015) charts a new course to accelerate global climate action and pushes deep decarbonization of transport sector. Without a doubt, we can say: E-mobility is the answer for new clean transport, the best solution to achieve the climate goals and way for implementing ambitions of European Green Deal.
E-mobility learning
The new sector needs new skills. The number of electric vehicles on the streets worldwide is growing constantly. Industry can benefit from increased demand for the production, installation, operation & maintenance of charging points, public transport systems, batteries, and other related infrastructure, resulting in the net increase in employment within construction, electricity, services and most manufacturing sectors. With the right enabling policies, e-mobility can also gradually replace the decreasing jobs in manufacturing of diesel and petrol engines with new jobs and new skills required in electric automotive manufacturing and key supply chains such as batteries. The European companies already design and produce state-of-the-art electric motors, electric powertrains, substations, and infrastructure as well as z energy management systems and chargers.
We need knowlege
The platform International Academy Driving Change Together has the aim to develop innovative methods and strategies for shared learning together with vocational schools, institutions of higher education, and companies in the electromobility. This platform will develop a guideline for the implementation of innovative learning environments in training using electro-mobility as an example and develop different prototype teaching models of cooperation between vocational training, higher education, and on-the-job training. We would like also to allow apprentices and students (vocational and practical orientation) to learn together, promoting students and teachers interchange. Through the different activities we would like to internationalize the participating education institutions in order to better prepare the trainees for the demands of an increasingly global labor market.
Mr. Krzysztof Burda, PIRE – Opening speech
Mr. Ovais Sarmad – Deputy Executive Secretary UNFCCC
Mrs. Siti Nurbaya Bakar– Minister of Climate and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia
Mr. Aldo Amati – Ambassador of Italy to Poland
Mrs. Siti Nugraha Mauludiah – Ambassador of Indonesia to Poland
Mr. Julio Bravo Yubini – Ambassador of Chile to Poland
Mr. Marcin Nowak, PIRE – IADCT goals, activities, E-mobility now! Schools network
Mr. Marcin Krupa – Katowice City Major – E-mobility now! schools network
Mr. Paolo Cortese – Member of Fossano City Council
Mr. Claudio Cavallotto – E-mobility schools Italy network, Istituto “Vallauri” – Fossano
Mrs. Melanie Harwood – Co-Founder & CEO eduCCate Global, in partnership with UN CC: Learn (UNITAR) United Nations
Online streaming
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this Event will be online
Participation in the Event is free and available at as video streaming
Our Conference will be free-access on social media: